According to the Edelman Trust Barometer of 2021, 18 of 27 countries experienced an increase in employer trust; unfortunately, the United States was not one of them. The report goes on to state that information quality leads to increasing trust. This seems an especially difficult task given the consensus offered in this report: both government and business leaders in the USA are suspected of lies and misinformation. 

The Edelman report suggests four steps businesses should take:

  1. CEO’s must act on the expanded mandate and lead on important issues.
  2. Leaders must have the courage to lead with facts and act with empathy.
  3. All organizations must provide trustworthy content. 
  4. Leaders must find a common purpose and take collective action. 

Fortunately business leaders have already begun to act. In 2019, leaders in the Business Roundtable pledged to serve all their stakeholders. They declared that all workers need the opportunity to experience meaning and dignity on the job. That pledge offers the common purpose listed in the fourth step suggested by the Edelman report. Meaning-Centered Leadership offers a common framework for moving organizations towards that common purpose.

The three E’s framework of Engagement, Empowerment, and Expertise provides the opportunity for organizations to take a focused approach to increasing meaning and dignity for their workforce. 

Trust and building trusting relationships throughout the organization can only happen when an organizational plan supports that direction. Meaning-Centered Leadership offers that blueprint. To see for yourself, check out our book, Meaning-Centered Leadership: Skills and Strategies for Well-Being and Organizational Success