Dr. Ed Jackson and Dr. Barbara Bartels are passionate about creating meaning-centered leadership opportunities within all market sectors and industries. Dr. Jackson and Dr. Bartels will show you how to develop meaning-centered leadership through the 3-Es: Engagement, Empowerment, and Expertise!
Dr. Jackson and Dr. Bartels will inspire and motivate exemplary leaders though behaviors and strategies focused on developing meaning-centered leadership. As a result, your organization will have happier, more engaged employees, resulting in increased productivity and outcomes.
Dr. Bartels Bio Dr. Jackson BioTo discuss Keynote Speaker opportunities, call 925-285-3825 or email us at info@meaningcenteredleadership.com
Communication, character and relationships are the primary strategies for meaning-centered leadership. Exemplary leaders must develop deep levels of trust, care and concern through open and honest communication for the organization to thrive.
Learn action-oriented strategies to empower team members through inspiration, enthusiasm, collaboration, and celebration!
Learn strategies for creating a culture that develops and nurtures a meaning-centered organization through a leader’s wisdom and experience grounded on principles, creating a shared vision for an optimistic future.