
The Strongest Predictor of Employee Disengagement May Surprise You

A slew of articles and research attempting to explain the Great Resignation may be causing confusion. Employers are responding in a variety of ways, from raising wages to offering flexible schedules and focusing on work-life balance.  These are all positive steps for employees, but is it enough? Recent research has uncovered that a toxic work environment is 10.4 times stronger at predicting company retention than wages*.  This data suggests that employees are looking for more than just a wage increase.…

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What’s Got You Stressed: 5 Important Questions to Consider

Politics, COVID-19, Work, what’s got you stressed? It seems Americans have several major sources of stress. A recent study by Kevin B. Smith of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that over 90 million Americans say they have experienced stress due to politics. Smith states, “Large numbers of Americans are convinced that politics is exacting significant social, psychological, and even physical costs on their well-being.”  Gallup’s research also found that the United States and Canada report the highest rates of daily…

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Quality Coaching for Engagement and Retention

The “Great Resignation” has led to a plethora of offered solutions. Everything from flexibility to shared leadership has been suggested, but what do people really want? Research points not to workplace conditions, hours, or wages, but instead points to the need for meaningful work. Workplace meaning is substantially governed by relatedness, autonomy, and competence, or as we state in our book, Engagement, Empowerment, and Expertise.  What people want from work is meaning. Meaning-Making begins with establishing trusting relationships with your…

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Experts Call For Meaning at All Levels of Education

A Meaning-Centered approach is needed throughout the education system. Educational researcher Michael Fullan states, “New meaning must be evident at every level of the system, but if it is not done at the level of the student, for the vast majority of students, all is lost.” (The New Meaning of Educational Change, 5th ed.) He claims that the future depends on deep engagement at the teacher and student levels.  Unfortunately, Gallup research reports teacher disengagement levels at nearly 70%, and…

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Trusting Teams Versus “The Great Resignation”

The number of people who voluntarily left their organizations during the months of April (4 million) and May (3.6 million) has been referred to as “The Great Resignation”. Reporting on this topic highlight surveys that suggest upwards of 40% of the workforce is considering resigning. Burnout and lack of growth are often cited as the biggest reasons people voluntarily leave their organizations.  As reported in our book, businesses in the United States are losing a trillion dollars a year due…

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Trustworthy Business Leaders Needed NOW

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer of 2021, 18 of 27 countries experienced an increase in employer trust; unfortunately, the United States was not one of them. The report goes on to state that information quality leads to increasing trust. This seems an especially difficult task given the consensus offered in this report: both government and business leaders in the USA are suspected of lies and misinformation.  The Edelman report suggests four steps businesses should take: CEO’s must act on…

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Trust: The Key to Optimal Performance

In our research into how exemplary leaders create meaning, we discovered that followers want a leader who can build an atmosphere where trusting relationships flourish. So it came as no surprise when a recent global study conducted by ADP research found that the single most powerful driver of resilience and engagement is trust. When trust is present, people are able to optimize their performance.  Sadly, according to this report, only 7% of people feel this level of trust in their…

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