
How to Rise Above Workplace Toxicity

 In our book Meaning-Centered Leadership: Skills and Strategies for Increased Employee Well-Being and Organizational Success, we share research to help organizations build meaning and purpose. By developing engagement, empowerment, and expertise, organizations are able to support the human need for meaningful work. An important question often comes up: How do employees respond when their workplace is toxic? How do they find the elusive markers of meaning when overwhelmed by dysfunctional workplace practices?  The following three-step plan provides a framework for…

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The ABCs of Principal Retention

The current teacher shortage is an unfortunate and well-chronicled phenomenon. There is a simultaneously growing crisis in the need for more school leaders.  According to the National Association of Secondary School Principals, 25% of principals leave the profession every year. In the next three years, 40% plan to leave, and 62% of new principals (those with < 4 years of service) are planning to leave.  Recent reports cite a myriad list of reasons principals are quitting. The disruption of the…

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One Simple Step to Reduce Burnout 

In our book, Meaning-Centered Leadership: Skills and Strategies for Increased Employee Well-Being and Organizational Success we describe how leaders can activate multiple pathways to meaning. When employees find their work meaningful they are happier, healthier, more productive, and three times as likely to stay in their organizations. Unfortunately, recent survey data suggest much work is needed.  Survey research suggests over 90% of employees report burnout. The respondents describe having unmanageable stress and frustration. In fact, they report that high levels…

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What’s Got You Stressed: 5 Important Questions to Consider

Politics, COVID-19, Work, what’s got you stressed? It seems Americans have several major sources of stress. A recent study by Kevin B. Smith of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that over 90 million Americans say they have experienced stress due to politics. Smith states, “Large numbers of Americans are convinced that politics is exacting significant social, psychological, and even physical costs on their well-being.”  Gallup’s research also found that the United States and Canada report the highest rates of daily…

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Bring The Power of Purpose & Meaning to Your Life

In the third edition of The Power of Purpose: Find Meaning, Live Longer, Better, Richard Leider describes the importance of purpose by declaring, “Purpose is what gives life a meaning.” Throughout the text, meaning and purpose are often paired. He asks, “If we had to name what makes life worth living, what gives it meaning and purpose?” His use of the terms “meaning and purpose” as synonymous or twin tracks was evident throughout the book. He states, “It is clear…

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3 Steps to Inspire and Retain Your Workforce

Recent survey research continues to find high numbers of individuals who are ready to quit their jobs. Of the workforce, 54% are actively considering quitting their jobs, often listing burnout as the number one cause. In relation, 55% of employees report high levels of workplace stress. Combined, workplace stress and absenteeism cost businesses $300 billion annually. While global losses due to depression and anxiety are estimated to be as high as one trillion dollars.  In relation, a recent Forbes article…

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What Research Tells Us About Supporting Teachers

American teachers are approaching another very uncertain year. With COVID-19 accelerating among the younger populations, mask mandates have become a literal battleground. School boards have cancelled meetings, teachers have been assaulted, and guidance is often contradicted by policy. Amidst this whirlwind, teachers are considering leaving the field in ever greater numbers.  Every year 200,000 teachers voluntarily leave the profession. A recent report indicates that there is a 20% increase in the number of teachers who are considering leaving the profession.…

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Trusting Teams Versus “The Great Resignation”

The number of people who voluntarily left their organizations during the months of April (4 million) and May (3.6 million) has been referred to as “The Great Resignation”. Reporting on this topic highlight surveys that suggest upwards of 40% of the workforce is considering resigning. Burnout and lack of growth are often cited as the biggest reasons people voluntarily leave their organizations.  As reported in our book, businesses in the United States are losing a trillion dollars a year due…

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A Meaning-Centered Approach for the Post-Pandemic School

Educators and communities across the country are preparing to return students to fulltime in-person learning. This is a positive direction and yet the way ahead is clouded with imperatives to assess and remediate learning loss. Many schools are supporting student learning with summertime remediation and credit recovery. This is necessary and supports students’ academic needs. The bigger question is, what do students need as they return to school?

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What Daily Yoga Practice Has Taught me About Leadership

During the last 14 months of isolation and worry, I began a daily practice of yoga. The breathing, focus, and acceptance required in daily yoga practice connects to many of the disciplines a leader must embrace.  First, a leader needs to be 100% present. Deep breathing is a great way to maintain presence and energy.  Pausing to take deep breaths can help you power through a long meeting or prepare you for a difficult conversation that will require 100% of…

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Love what you do quote

What’s LOVE Got To Do With It?

Love What You Do Ask yourself, do you love what you do? Can you ultimately say that you put your heart and soul into your work? Is your job fulfilling and satisfying? How about your team members? Do you help team members find meaning and purpose in their work? Throughout this pandemic, many people are asking themselves if they truly love their work. As a leader, it is your job to help them figure this out. The 3Es of Meaningful…

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